How is Self Directed Services different from my current program ?

First of all, you have the same DDA budget and you are still under Community Pathways.  That doesn't change.  But instead of an agency managing your state budget,  you are managing your budget with the help of your Support Broker and FMS.  This allows you to have more flexibility with your services.  An agency  usually hires, supervises and even fires their own employees.  When you self direct with the help of your Support Broker,  you are the employer and you help make those decisions.  With supports you will design your activities and services  to fit into your interests.  Basically, you  will have more control of your life with supports.



The Wright Supports

The agency or program that I attend now, we go on outings only during the day.  With Self Directed Services, can I go out in the evenings and weekends sometimes?

Community integration and socialization is also a part of Self Directed Services.  Your employee(s) can make sure you get transportation and support when you go to work or on outings at times that are better for you such as the day, evenings and/or weekends if you like.


If I change to Self Directed Services, what kinds of things can I do?  It all depends on your likes and dislikes, your skills and the skills you want to develop.  You don't have to do what others do, your Circle of Supports (your SB and others you choose to support you with ideas and resources)  can help you try different things if you want.  Of course,  at any time you try something but you find  you don't like it, we can figure out something else you can try until you find something you really like to do.  You have lots of flexibility with Self Directed Services..  It is ok to change your mind.

Support Brokers  for Adults with Disabilities

who opt for Self-Directed Services  in Maryland (formerly New Directions)

What is Self Directed Services?

 Self Directed Services, formerly called New Directions,  is a Medicaid Waiver Program under the Developmental DisabilitiesAdministration (DDA).  It gives you the opportunity to self-direct your DDA budget, your employees and services with the assistance of a Support Broker and a Fiscal Management Service (FMS).  You will be able to hire, supervise and even fire your employees if necessary.  You will be able to be more involved in deciding your services, how your services will be delivered and who will be working with you.  You can be more creative about what you will do with your life.